(1)Electrical Contractors Must Be Licensed
Section 3 of Ontario Regulation 570/05 states that “No person shall operate an electrical contracting business without an electrical contractor licence issued under this Regulation.”
The Regulation defines an electrical contracting business as “a business that is engaged in the carrying out of electrical work” and electrical work “means work within the scope of the Electrical Safety Code that consists of constructing, installing, protecting, maintaining, repairing, extending, altering, connecting or disconnecting any electrical installation or electrical equipment”. Ontario Regulation 570/05, Section 1
(2)Master Electrician – Scope of Practice
A master electrician designated by an electrical contractor is, within the scope of the
designation, responsible,
(a) for the personal planning and direct supervision of electrical work carried out on
behalf of the electrical contractor;
(b) for ensuring that the electrical work is carried out in accordance with applicable law,
including the Electrical Safety Code and the laws relating to health and safety and
consumer protection, on behalf of the electrical contractor; and
(c) for other matters of a similar nature